Thursday, June 26, 2014

Guatemala Preparation

This post has been brewing and in my "drafts" far too long and it's time to get it out!

July 2nd I'm embarking on a short but powerful trip to Guatemala City, Guatemala. I'm going with my Arkansas-home-church, Fellowship Bible.  This is will be my first time to central America, but 3rd mission trip to a foreign country.

This trip will most certainly be life changing. 
Guatemala City, Photo: Wikipedia

A little bit of TBT info: In 2007, I took my first flight to Trinidad & Tobago for a week on a college campus sharing my faith to students with Campus Crusade.  In 2011, I spent 7 weeks at a university in southern Italy, generating momentum for Agape Italia, (a college ministry) and building gospel-centered friendships with some of the most genuine people I've ever met. 

My trip to Guatemala will be a little different.  The focus will be on the members, leaders & children of Fellowship Guatemala. It's a non-denominational church serving as a light to a city that is certainly encompassed in darkness, confusion, and thirsty for community.  Our concentration?  Discipleship.  Our agenda is to encourage and teach brothers & sisters that have a lifestyle & culture completely differently than mine. We're helping out where it's needed & spending a little life with people that are far more happy than I am, with way less than I have. We've got Vacation Bible School, lessons planned & some worship will definitely be going down.

I'm psyched.  If you've ever been on a "mission trip" you know what I mean.  You think you're going into a community to create change, "share", etc. but the funny thing is, YOU are the one that leaves different.  

With that being said, 'm equally a little nervous and I'm not sure if I'm prepared to see what I'll probably see.  Intense poverty, for instance, will be all around; the average *yearly* income is around $2K.  Mind blowing, huh?
Guatemala City, Photo: TripAdvisor

I'm sure once I get back in a few weeks from now, I'll have MUCH to blog about.  Prayer warriors tune in here:  1) keep in prayer the Guatemalan people, young and old, that I will meet and share life with for these short but sweet days. 2) Next, my health and safety are going to be crucial going to a culture and environment like Guatemala.  3)Finally, this trip has a price tag more than I can handle, and no I'm not finished yet. (This is true Sarah fashion) Please pray for my attitude for the rest of the support raising process. I've got less than $400 left to go. 

If you would like, you can send financial support to 

Fellowship Bible Church
Attn: Finance Department 
P.O. Box 7123, Little Rock, AR 72223     

Just remember to put my name in the MEMO <----- crucial="" font="">

I'll be sure to keep you updated.  Don't forget to check back for a thorough follow up come mid-July.

Thanks for reading y'all, blessed to have ya! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Finger-licking good Friday

I'm not exactly the denomination that partakes in "Lent" but for the last several years, I always have.  People ask why? It's because I think Easter, as a Christian, is THE most significant holiday because it's really what sets us apart from the rest.

God's son was sent to earth, lived the life we live, perfectly.  Then was used as a sacrafice to save us from sin and filth we live in and create daily.  After was he brutally crucified, he escaped the TOMB. So much symbolism for God's love, mercy, etc. I's hard for me to type it all out.

This is something I believe with my whole heart, therefore Lent is something I do for remembrance of the 40 days Jesus was temped my Satan before the cross. 

2014 I did something pretty drastic.  "Paleo" diet isn't really a diet, it's a way to change how you eat.  Vegetables, protein, fruit, nuts are the things you eat, nothing else.  No soda, no dairy, no cheese, no wheat, grain, flour-- It was tough.  I can honestly say in the beginning two weeks it took a role in my mood; I was grumpy & irritable.  Black coffee is a large reason I could stick with it-- it gave me energy when I felt like I had none.

When I say, "change how you eat", the best way to explain it is changing the thought process when you sit down in front of food.  I love fried food, cheese, potatoes, the list goes on--this lent was not easy for me.  I went from "living to eat" to "eating to stay alive"-- I don't need to divulge in every meal.  I took what i eat out on my emotions, instead of simply using food for sustainability and life.

Anyway, today I can eat whatever I want.  Oreos are game on. Thanks for reading, y'all!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Identity Crisis

I've been a very busy girl with several blog ideas; but today is this... identity. It's something that is relevant for me recently and something on my heart.

Being on TV can be super cool sometimes but also very strange. People know who you are, but they don't really  know  you.

Identity is something, in my opinion, that I don't reflect on enough.  You start off with your relationships-- so I know I'm a daughter, sister, niece, cousin, friend, etc. but that doesn't really tell you much about who I am at all.

This season of life that I'm in right now would consider me a "young professional" which means work is my life. Work as a Meteorologist, on TV, in Little Rock, Arkansas.  But is that where my identity leaves me?

I've received some recent attention, in particular, for my appearance.   I am completely flattered but it brings me full circle to what I said earlier about feeling "strange."

It's in these moments I turn to prayer.  I don't always-- I'm not a saint-- but I didn't want to be in this light-- in the center of attention alone.  Just a quick conversation to give thanks for what I've been given and ask for the correct thoughts, words, and actions so that they would be honorable rather than flashy.

My gut nudged to ask for help-- so I text Whitney. I would call her a friend, but I'm going to say "doing life" because I feel like friend is a little too shallow. We met in a small group from church and we're unlearning to re learn what it looks like to be a disciple rather than a "Christian".

The timing was perfect.  She passed along this great excerpt from Phil Wickham and said she'd already been praying for me.

Here's a sum of what he had to say.  
"...I am learning that our biggest and brightest identity is one that we can’t ever lose. Voices, platforms, people, buildings, beauty, skills, relationships, life... can come and go. But our identity as a forgiven child of God, our identity as part of the redeemed bride of Christ---THIS is our capitol “I” Identity.  This is the one that we will always have. This is the One that will define us forever. May we not define our worth by the praises of men, or the breadth of our influence. God defines our worth by running to us as he did the prodigal son, and wrapping us in His arms. And in this worth, in this identity we find our calling: to love Him who first loved us in such a way that it spills out of our hearts, lips, hands, and feet. In living out this calling, we have certainty that our legacy will be a joyous and eternal one. "

Isn't she the greatest?
Exactly what I think I needed to hear,  know and learn.  My image may be the local weather lady, the girl on the news, the woman with the crazy dog at the park -- BUT my Identity is one that will never change and one that I can't lose-- a child of God & a Jesus wannabe.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Feeling the Love

I can say with this job I get emails constantly referring to the tiniest details that 97% of people wouldn't even notice.  From my grammar to my nail polish-- some people just find reasons to be negative.  This post however is on the brighter side.

Not sure what it is, but lately people have been so patient and I just want to thank you..  Moving away from home, in an unknown state, with difficult weather forecasting doesn't make this easy. But, people can be kind, and that's exactly what Arkansans have shown to me: kindness.

Consider this post as a note of appreciation for taking me into your home, letting me screw up, say things that don't make sense, and geek out about nerdy things like dew points and cold fronts.

The Lord is good for putting me in this special place.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

slowly but surely

Well if jumping back into a blog after 2 years isn't cool, call me a loser.

Thinking to myself, why haven't I done this is so long? Two reasons in particular, first being my laptop from 2006 was on it's last leg and I've finally got an upgrade.  Another excuse is because I didn't have much time.  This is the Sarah of 2K14.

Funny my last post was my introduction to Little Rock-- such a young little lad.  This state, the weather, the people are molding me in a way I don't know how to explain; I'll describe it as a growth spurt. 

Your twenties are an "smh -- lol" time in your life, at least for my first half. I look back on these several years and amateur blog posts and think,  I am so different.  I have fewer friends with less drama.  Being on TV and telling a "weather story" is finally shaping up as something that makes sense and has some my nerd-swagger mixed in.  

Most of all, the Holy Spirit is un-teaching me so much that I thought I once knew about religion.  I feel like it's when a photographer takes off the flashy & long fancy lens to put on a simpler less dramatic version to take pictures.  It's been fun... and hard.... and confusing but the most over-churched word is finally settling into my heart.   grace.

Time to run.  Knox is eating drywall, again.  More to come on him later.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Little Rock!

"Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is heaven will enter.  Many will say to Me on that day, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles? And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness."                      - Matthew 7: 21-23 

I know it's been forever since I shared my thoughts into the blogosphere, but really felt the need to share this!  I was recently challenged to read through the Gospels, starting from the beginning, and I have a feeling this wont be the last you'll hear about it!

Living in Little Rock, AR as a meteorologist / multimedia journalist at the CBS station. 

Missing Florida and my church family in Ohio, everyday.  
Turned 24 earlier this month... crazy I know!
Still learning to seek His Kingdom. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ides Of March

March is halfway over and I can't believe it!  New things lately:

One of my most treasured friends of all time is getting married!  Kelly & I have been friends since the 5th grade {and by friend I mean we started as ememy's and clearly we were the same person so we became besties}.
kelly + sarah circa 2007
Another big change includes my other half / partner in crime / bff / co-anchor moving to Rochester, NY for a job!  Although this is a huge step in her career, I'm going to miss her terribly.

Pittsburgh Ringing in 2012

Danielle Cotterman is my new co-anchor and we're having a great time getting to know one another too!

While this is a shallow post, I'll be back to share more shortly.  Have a great Sabbath!