Monday, April 14, 2014

Identity Crisis

I've been a very busy girl with several blog ideas; but today is this... identity. It's something that is relevant for me recently and something on my heart.

Being on TV can be super cool sometimes but also very strange. People know who you are, but they don't really  know  you.

Identity is something, in my opinion, that I don't reflect on enough.  You start off with your relationships-- so I know I'm a daughter, sister, niece, cousin, friend, etc. but that doesn't really tell you much about who I am at all.

This season of life that I'm in right now would consider me a "young professional" which means work is my life. Work as a Meteorologist, on TV, in Little Rock, Arkansas.  But is that where my identity leaves me?

I've received some recent attention, in particular, for my appearance.   I am completely flattered but it brings me full circle to what I said earlier about feeling "strange."

It's in these moments I turn to prayer.  I don't always-- I'm not a saint-- but I didn't want to be in this light-- in the center of attention alone.  Just a quick conversation to give thanks for what I've been given and ask for the correct thoughts, words, and actions so that they would be honorable rather than flashy.

My gut nudged to ask for help-- so I text Whitney. I would call her a friend, but I'm going to say "doing life" because I feel like friend is a little too shallow. We met in a small group from church and we're unlearning to re learn what it looks like to be a disciple rather than a "Christian".

The timing was perfect.  She passed along this great excerpt from Phil Wickham and said she'd already been praying for me.

Here's a sum of what he had to say.  
"...I am learning that our biggest and brightest identity is one that we can’t ever lose. Voices, platforms, people, buildings, beauty, skills, relationships, life... can come and go. But our identity as a forgiven child of God, our identity as part of the redeemed bride of Christ---THIS is our capitol “I” Identity.  This is the one that we will always have. This is the One that will define us forever. May we not define our worth by the praises of men, or the breadth of our influence. God defines our worth by running to us as he did the prodigal son, and wrapping us in His arms. And in this worth, in this identity we find our calling: to love Him who first loved us in such a way that it spills out of our hearts, lips, hands, and feet. In living out this calling, we have certainty that our legacy will be a joyous and eternal one. "

Isn't she the greatest?
Exactly what I think I needed to hear,  know and learn.  My image may be the local weather lady, the girl on the news, the woman with the crazy dog at the park -- BUT my Identity is one that will never change and one that I can't lose-- a child of God & a Jesus wannabe.

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